Meet Ocean Ambassador Charma Morley!

Meet Charma Morley!


Last month, I had the opportunity to sit down with Charma and discuss her involvement in Bahamas Plastic Movement and her community. You can find the transcript of the interview below. ~Thank you Charma. I appreciate that you took the time to sit with me and talk about your activism. I was blessed to meet you. You are an inspiration too many other youth both on Eleuthera and around the world. I know you will continue to spread your knowledge and leadership around your community, inspiring others along the way. Thank you and good luck Ambassador!

Molly: Good morning Moesha, thank you for sitting down with me. Could you tell me a little about yourself?

Charma: My name is Charma Morley. I am sixteen years old and I am a 12th grader.

Molly: And how long have you been an Ocean Ambassador?

Charma: I became an Ocean Ambassador nearly three years ago, when I joined BPM for the first time. My friend had me join.

Molly: Have you been able to encourage friends to join BPM as well?

Charma: Yes.

Molly: Tell about the Ocean Ambassador program in Bahamas Plastic Movement. What do you do as an ambassador?

Charma: As an Ocean Ambassador, I spread awareness about plastic pollution not only to my country but around the world. We basically are trying to make a better place that is plastic free. We do a lot of work with the community and kids. We talk to people about plastic pollution in our country. It is a big problem here. We teach people about alternatives for single use plastic. We try to make people more aware of what it does to not only them, but wildlife too. We try to get people to change over to plastic free life.

Molly: What did you do to prepare to talk to Minister Ferreria, the Minister of Environment and Housing?

Charma: So we had a little workshop for a few days. At the workshop, we worked on our public speaking skills because we were all nervous to speak to the Minister. We also brought in a lawyer, who taught us about the law making process in The Bahamas. We did research on how plastic affects the other countries around the world, how they put a stop to it, and how effective it was in their own country.

Molly: What was it like presenting to the Minister?

Charma: It was scary at first! After awhile he made us laugh, and we got more relaxed. I think it was a great experience, we got out point across. I think it went good.

Molly: Shortly after your presentations he announced the ban, correct?

Charma: Yes ma’am, at first we asked for a plastic ban tax, which means it was going to be more expensive to import plastic bag into our country rather than reusable bags. But then he said he was thinking about banning the bags as a whole, that was a big plus for us!

Molly: Will you guys continue to be involved in the process of banning single use plastic?

Charma: Yes.

Molly: What did you guys do to draft your ban? To my understanding as a group you drafted your own ban and presented it to him.

Charma: Basically what we did, like I said we proposed a plastic bag tax so that plastic would be much more expensive than it is. We wanted reusable bags to be cheaper and for stores to actually have bags on sale for those who do not want to import their own reusable bags.

Molly: That is great! What is your favorite part of being an Ocean Ambassador?

Charma: I think my favorite part about being an Ambassador… after we explain to people how bad single use plastic is, the best part about it is seeing how much it changes them. They want to do better. They want to stop using it because of all the stuff we teach them.

Molly: Great, so what are those reasons that single use plastic is harmful? Both to ourselves and the environment? What you would tell someone who wanted to know why the ban is important?

Charma: Well, the main reason is because it is not biodegradable, it will not go away. Most of our plastic ends up in the ocean, you know most of our marine life is going to die off eventually if we do not stop. And not just the wildlife, it affects us. It gives us illness and affects our health. We just need to stop.

Molly: What does Kristal mean to you? Why is she an important figure in your life?

Charma: Wow, Ms. Kristal… is like my favorite person in the world. She taught me a lot. She helps me out a lot, not only at camp but she also helps me with other stuff like school when I need it. And I think if it wasn’t for her I would still be using single use plastic. I would not have been such a big part of BPM and I wouldn’t have been able to spread awareness to other people.

Molly: What is your favorite part of your country?

Charma: The water.

Molly: The water?

Charma: Mhm, these beautiful beaches and marine life around us. As an Ocean Ambassador we have to protect it.

Molly: Charma, thank you for your time. You have inspired me and have me in awe of the Bahamas Plastic Movement and the work you all do. Ocean Ambassadors like you are inspirational too many. Thank you.

Molly Denning